I'm not gay, but if I were . . .. . . I'd still be terrified of this man.
Rollins Band - Liar
Dude is brilliant.
poignant and asinine
I'm not gay, but if I were . . .. . . I'd still be terrified of this man.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
8:54 PM
Now, it's no secret that I don't like David Letterman. The man hasn't been funny in fifteen years, and Paul Schaffer looks like a naked mole rat with stupid glasses. His audiences merely laugh and applaud because they're prompted to do so by lit signs that his produces pay for and operate, not by any merit of his own comedy [sic].
But for once he's actually created a funny Top Ten. So, for your viewing pleasure (and horror), I present David Letterman's Top Ten George W. Bush Moments:
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
12:10 AM
Here's one for the music nerds in the house. A few pieces by the dubiously named John Stump.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:53 AM
I just saw this video. I do not know anything about its origin or what it means, but it is awesome. Kids with exploding hammers. Amazing. I hope to join this culture one day. And I hope they accept me as one of their own so I can do this.
(Watch all the way to the end.)
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
7:43 PM
Labels: exploding hammers, video, WTF
ATL rapper/actor(?) stopped by a New York elementary school recently to spread some holiday cheer. That's where this photo was snapped. If you study it closely you'll notice a surprising pattern.
Still don't see it? Here, let us show you.
I think if we take this out to its logical end, this could explain a lot of things—the economic crisis, global warming, Soviet Russia. Something must be done. We Luda clones. And fast.
(via VH1's Best Week Ever Blog)
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
8:27 AM
A number of sources have declared 2008 to be the Year of the 'Stache: Urlesque gave it the New Trend award and the Huffington Post surveyed celeb upper lips to come to their conclusion. And there were others.
The World Beard and Mustache Championship site got passed around the web about 9 trillion times.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:08 PM
Labels: advertising, mustache
The best way to tie:
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
8:24 PM
Labels: advertising, humor, video, viral video, WTF
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
8:36 AM
I just found this. It is amazing. Now you can add bacon to any webpage. Like . . .
Take that, vegans!
Whoops. (That one's for you, Liza.)
This is awesome.
Want some more bacon on that?
All you have to do is add http://bacolicio.us/ to the front of any URL. Go ahead. Try it. It's awesome.
Also, just searching for images of bacon turned up some pretty funny results. Try it sometime. Personal favorites include.
The bacon bra
The bacon suitcase
And, a piece of bacon in the shape of Mexico from the Wikipedia page.
They didn't mention that it looks like Mexico, but we both know the truth. OK. Off to brunch now. Obviously.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
8:53 AM
Labels: humor, interactive
Co-founder and CCO of The Brandy Agency and personal friend and art director/illustrator extraordinaire and silent lover and tall guy Brandon Rapert informed me of some pretty exciting news yesterday. One of the campaigns we did at the Creative Circus will be featured in the March issue of CMYK magazine. Pretty rad. Check 'em:
These puppies are intense. If you dig them, check out the rest of Brandon's stuff over on his site. The dude is sick. And he's available for hire. Love him. Hard
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
1:09 PM
Labels: advertising, awards, creative circus
Love abounds today. It's been a very long, wonderful two years at the Creative Circus, fraught with creativity, frustration, drinking and bad puns. It's the end of one road, but it's the beginning of another.
Congrats and all my love to The Patriot. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for graduation today.
Let's party tonight.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
11:10 AM
Labels: advertising, creative circus
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
10:11 AM
Welcome Hurra Torpedo.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
2:09 PM
Labels: music
In a search for ideas for the agency's upcoming superhero-themed holiday party, I came across what is undoubtedly the worst superhero of all time. Meet Arm Fall Off Boy. His super power? Well, he just kind of gave it away, didn't he? AFOB had the ridiculously useful ability to detach his arm and beat people with it like a club. Now—in all seriousness—I've actually thought about this as a power. (I used it in something I wrote at some point I think.) But seriously. The fact that DC actually made him a real character is dumbfounding.
Feel the raw power:
He's got a Wiki page too if you don't believe me. (Wikipedia is 100 percent accurate. All the time.) Sadly, it seems our hero had a rather short-lived career in the Legion of Super-Heroes.
If you look at the article you'll notice a reference to a nearly equally retarded character. Welcome Matter Eater Lad. (Again, these names don't really go for the suspense factor.) His ability was, of course, being able to eat through anything. You say you need to get into the control room. Why, just let Matter Eater Lad munch his way through the steel door. Yep.
His Wiki page.
Honorably dumb mention goes to Bouncing Boy.
He's sort of a lamer, white version of Fat Albert. Or perhaps Veruca Salt.
You'll also notice the appearance of Blockade Boy in that Matter Eater Lad comic. If you read closely you'll catch what he's able to do. I'm not even going to dignify his dumbness with a comment.
If there was any argument that DC Comics are better than Marvel, this pretty much ends it.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
11:43 PM
Labels: WTF
. . . Make it music too, dog.
Recently Kanye West has made (internet) headlines stating his intentions to take a lowly internship with fashion designers Louis Vuitton or Raf Simons. He says he wants to learn the business before he launches his own clothing line next year. Hey, I love publicity stunts as much as the next guy—I'm at Crispin, it's pretty much our thing—but this is a pretty lame one.
But even if I don't wholly approve, I think Vuitton or Simons should take him up on it. That way he will stop making music, and leave us alone. I don't tend to follow too much mainstream music, but every once in a while I'll catch a new Kanye song, and they only seem to be getting worse. Peep his performance on Saturday Night Live last night, and please explain to me how he thinks he "will go down as the voice of this generation of this decade."
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
7:09 PM
There's really no joke I need to make here. Just watch the ad.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
12:07 AM
Labels: advertising, video, WTF
Buddy sustained one of the nastiest injuries I've seen captured on film. It happened within the first round of his fight against Dale Hartt. Here's a totally non-Photoshopped picture, courtesy of MMAweekly.com:
Don't believe it's real? Check out the video:
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
12:54 PM
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
11:55 AM
Labels: advertising, WTF
. . . from Neatorama. (And a vegetable too.)
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
11:08 PM
In case you hadn't heard, there are two hyper-popular new fan pages on Facebook. I think you should join them:
By request, Andy's Mustache Fan Club.
And by punishment, Kasia's B00bs Fan Club.
Join, participate, get involved and get in there.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
11:32 PM
Labels: web 2.0
This morning I was reading an email from a friend, exchanging congratulations on our respective jobs, when I noticed a Google AdWords ad above my inbox.
I thought, What kind of schlock is this? Is that really a convincing argument? Then I thought, Is "schlock" even a word? [Editor's note: Yes. Of course it is.] Clicking on advertising-rated AdWords ad has yielded some real gems in the past, so I went for this one.
I was pleasantly surprised with the result. Think Tank 3 is a very small ad/branding agency out of New York. Although I don't care for the name or positioning as a "modern day think tank", they actually have a pretty cool style. Very reminiscent of Howard Gossage, sort of that voice of the intellectual small guy that can flip deftly flip between erudite and absurd. The shop's creative director is a woman, Sharoz Makarechi, who apparently has worked in post-Taliban Afghanistan to "train Afghans in modern communication skills for journalism and social campaign creation." It seems like a very small, tightly knit shop, but someone should check them out. I'd be interested to know more.
Oh yeah, and apparently there are more ads like the one I saw, trying to steal work away from the big guys. They won a One Show Merit. Pretty funny, especially the latter ones.
But on more thought, maybe this ads only work on people like me that see their agency's name, and think, Hey, what the?
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:58 AM
Labels: advertising, banner ad
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
8:17 PM
Labels: web 2.0
Welcome back from the break.
I'm pleased to announce the opening of my very own advertising agency today, The Brandy Agency.
The Brandy Agency is a dream that's been a long time coming. The agency is a result of extensive collaborations between fellow Creative Circus alum Brandon Rapert and I. And today we're proud to share our vision with the world.
We're always looking for new clients, and we still have a few positions left to fill so if you're interested in either, please contact us. Thank you.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
10:21 AM
Labels: advertising, The Brandy Agency
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
3:56 PM
[on the phone] "OK, Tiffany, I'm gonna let you go."
Translation: "I'm cutting this conversation off because I can't or don't want to talk to you anymore."
It sounds like courtesy, but it's the opposite. Our culture is weird.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
1:22 PM
From Facebook:
Wow, Starbucks, really flexing some philanthropic muscle there.
We worked on this while I was at Wieden. This is a stupid idea. Five cents per drink is not going to get people in the door. This killed a beautiful campaign that my friends did for them. Good luck, BBDO.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
7:56 AM
Labels: advertising, Starbucks
Following today's theme of technovations, here's something cool out of Stanford.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
6:44 PM
Labels: advertising, banner ad, technology
This technology has been around for a little while. (If you haven't seen it then it's obviously pretty new and exciting to you too.) Before, this type of interaction has to be run through a PC-based program, but this new version runs through Flash which opens up a lot of possibilities.
Essentially, Papervision uses your webcam to read a symbol on a sheet of paper and generates the images on-screen. Code can also be written so that two symbols interact with each other when placed in close proximity.
Very cool stuff. Still in its infancy though.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:43 AM
Labels: technology
Just now I was doing some Google image searches. I searched for "shack" and saw this:
That's sort of messed up, Google. Just rubbing it in the faces of people that are surfing the internet from their shacks. Inappropriate.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
8:30 PM
Labels: WTF
I was reading an article over on LAtimes.com about the rise in racially motivated crimes after Barack Obama's election. Then I came across this paragraph:What?! Sounds like the KKK just went and saw the new James Bond or something. So bizarre.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
3:17 PM
Labels: WTF
I saw this picture yesterday on blog post of girls with ridiculous t-shirts, and it made me deeply, deeply sad.
Just study that image for a moment. I imagine who that girl is, what her life is like, how she talks, who her friends are, the hat she wears. It all makes me very sad. Hapless flailing about, going to outdoor country music festivals. Sad. That's all I see.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
11:28 AM
Labels: WTF
Leaving the office on Friday evening it didn't seem as though I'd need to come in this weekend. We had busted all week--on only four to five hours of sleep a night and one big all-nighter--to get ready for four different client presentations. But we got through it, got it all done, and it was looking like I wouldn't see the interior of 6450 Gunpark Drive for at least another collective period of hours.
But I've also learned recently to be less presumptuous than that. I was just waiting for a nine o'clock DING on my Blackberry with an email from one of the CDs saying that we need to come in to crank out another set of idea. And sure enough at 8:52 this morning my little device dinged. I got out of bed, fearing what awaited me on the screen was the announcement of the untimely passing of my weekend. Instead what I found was a message rather inspirational message to get out and see the world. So, I decided to take the advice.
Ah, to see a movie. Let's see. What's out there? No, no, no. Ooh, Synecdoche, New York. And a mantinee showing. Perfect.
So, off I head to the theater. Usually the idea of seeing a movie alone makes me feel sad, but today it was an excitement, an excursion, a diversion to be away from the rush and people and things and deadlines and just absorb a work.
I love Charlie Kaufman's work. I think he's an amazing creative, unparalleled in almost all respects. He is to word what Gondry is to image (albeit entirely more full of himself and a his own mortality than the French director). Adaption. is still my favorite screenplay. Absolutely brilliant.
As with most of his films, Synecdoche sludges through the jumbled slough of the protagonist's unconscious, bumping directionlessly like a bumper car on a carnival ride. The driver tries desparately in vain to control his life and steer it in a meaningful direction, only to find that there's no start of finish to the ride, no path to follow. Instead, he drive his car madly in one direction until he hits another's car and jolt their chosen trajectory into disarray. The pattern continues until the ride simply is called to a end by the man behind the controls.
That's how I characterize this and essentially all other Kaufman screenplays. Brilliant, near-autobiographical scripts that vividly capture the essences of loneliness, depression, helpless and (fleetingly) love. This latest attempt, takes this issues on in the most grand scale of any of his works to date. Before his stories were microcosms unto themselves, and in Synecdoche, that microcosm has literally been transplanted onto the entire world (or, in fact, the literary term synecdoche).
I won't go into more detail about the film because it's a jumbled, non-linear mess that could never be done justice except to actually see it. Yes, the movie is tedious at points, heart-crushingly sad, devilishly fun and perhaps drags on a bit too long. But then again, Kaufman's point is to show life how it truly is (or at least that's what the protagonist Caden Cotard claims). It's not a great movie, but it's amazing. These two things seem contradictory, but I promise that, with Kaufman at the wheel, contradiction is the whole point.
The thing that most shocked--and amused--me about watch the film was the actual watching of it. I seemed to be the only patron in the theater without a membership to AARP. Seriously. There were probably 35 people in the theater and 34 of them were over the age of 55. I can't imagine how horrific of an experience that movie must have been for them. The grand proportion of the film is spent worrying about various ailments and death. In fact, the film is almost entirely about human mortality.
There were two very old ladies sitting in front of me, talking back and forth throughout the movie, trying to decipher what was happening. (Not only is Kaufman unfriendly to the elderly audience in terms of subject matter, but his films are verbally, visually and chronologically untethered from reality. I have no idea why there were old people there, other than the fact it was a 1:40 showing. Perhaps it was an ill-advised nursing home field trip?) Anyway, these two yammering Ednas finally decided to get up about halfway through and walk out, unable to follow what was going on.
But the eldery weren't the only ones left unsatisfied. The only other person in the audience who was relatively young was a man of about 38 or so sitting in the bottom seats in the center by himself. As soon as the film was beginning to slowly fade into the end, he started to, very loudly, put on his jacket. It went over his head, up the air, with all sorts of clasps and ties clanging obnoxiously in the dead silence of the theater as the screen was gradually fading to a white glow. Before the credits even rolled he stood up and trounced out. He was obviously very pissed that he had pissed away $7.50 on this stupid waste of time. It was awesome to see.
Then, an older lady (I'd say 57 or so) seated next to me on my aisle began singing along with the song played over the credits. She sat there, by herself for what I'm guessing was the entire credits (I got up and left) singing to herself. It was surreal.
On the way home I passed people and places, all of them off on their own tangents in life. I got lost in a maze of parking decks. I saw a little girl on her with little training wheels with her family beside her. I saw someone on the side of the road taking a small harp out of its case to show a friend.
Kaufman's films have a way of affecting me. They make you hyper-sensitive of the world around you. Slowly, as you return to the "normalcy" of a hurried life full of deadlines and having to get things down for one reason or another, you'll become desensitized to your awareness. But even for a brief moment, they offer you the chance to see life through the eyes of someone who sees and hears nearly everything, who absorbs it all and can't tell you anything of what it means but can at least show you the beauty in it.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
4:24 PM
Labels: film
This will only be funny those of you who know Dan Kelly and his proclivity for receiving care packages from his parents filled with any time of sugar-based goody you could imagine. Imagine Halloween having a set of twins in a cardboard box while being mailed from Cleveland. It supplied the Nasty Dandylion (our apartment) with many a late night snack.
I returned home from work this evening to find my own care package from my parents. It too was filled with snacks. But as you can see below, it was very different.
Yes, that is papaya and apple muesli, honey roasted almonds, a cranberry-cherry-pecan mix, a California trail mix, all-natural plantain chips, organic fruit bars, organic gummy bears and even gum made from natural rainforest chicle. My parents aren't hippy like that at all. Really random.
Sorry. I don't think is is amusing to anyone but me, but I'm having a blast. See ya.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
7:26 PM
Labels: WTF
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
12:35 AM
Labels: advertising, video
(Found while searching for "laser" on Google Images. Obviously.)
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:17 AM
Labels: WTF
I gotta be honest. This is kind of how my day has been. "Yeuh. we're cool, we're cool . . . Hey, what the—!"
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
7:46 PM
Labels: humor
Just in case anyone wanted to know what it's like having a mustache, this sweet video should catch you up to speed.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:25 AM
Labels: advertising, mustache
Working on some comps tonight, my partner Tim brought up a good point. How messed up is the Special Olympics logo?!
Conversation at the design agency:
- "Hey, the Special Olympics just called. They want us to design a logo for them."
- "Hold on, I just got it. They're all freaks, right? Let's make it a circle of six-armed kids."
- "Yeah, that sounds great. Let's go to lunch."
At least that's how I imagine it went.
Or maybe the Special Olympics is merely a cover for an international ring of spider-people bent on world domination. I kind of hope that one's actually true.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:45 PM
This one is for all the homies back in Hotlanta. I woke up this morning, looked out my front window and saw this:
Checked the side window, still there:
And yep, even from the front of my house:
At the risk of sounding Southern (which I'm not . . . despite having lived in Atlanta for the last 12 years), I must say, I was pretty excited. And this is why.
I wasn't excited at the mere fact that there was snow outside. I've seen a good bit of snow in my life; I grew up in Michigan. No, I was excited by the fact that I had not expected there to be snow at all. It was a complete surprise. And it's been a while since I've been surprised by snow.
Living in Atlanta, you tend to hear about the dangerous blizzard that is predicted to blow through town about three weeks ahead of time. It's going to knock out power, close churches and school, cause a run on bread, milk, batteries and firewood. The news stations will tout their coverage as Winter Storm Watch '08. It'll be really dramatic. And then, when it does come, it'll be a light sprinkle that melts the moment it touches the ground. It may be thrilling if you've lived in Atlanta all your life, and that's all you know of snow. But to someone who grew up sledding every day after school until the sun went down, it can all seem a little ridiculous and disheartening.
That's why, when I awoke this morning and saw the unexpected white visitor that blanketed my neighborhood, I was thrilled. I had no idea that it was to snow overnight, did not see it coming in the least. It was a return of innocence to snow for me. Gentle, quiet, still.
I'm sure in a month when I'm trying to de-ice my windshield in subzero wind chills as I drop my keys in a snow drift, this will all seem like a distant memory. But for now, I'm excited to see the snow.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:07 AM
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
10:39 AM
Labels: mustache
I love failblog. And this is why.
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
10:17 PM