Sometimes I wonder if clients realize how much—as "advertisers"—we kill ourselves for them, lose sleep for them, lose relationships for them.
Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be on the other side of the phone call. What it's like to have some people you pay present you ideas, say "Cool, we'll take 'em but can you change these five things?" and then go home for the night, usually in time for dinner even.
I wonder all this because I'm coming off a marathon of a week. I was in the office essentially non-stop since . . . Well, I was going to say when it all started but I can't even remember. I know I was basically living here from Friday to Monday. Like, literally working the entire time, without sleep. Then, another project came up. So, until last night, I slept about 14 hours since Saturday.
It's been insane. But it's a good insane. I'm getting a chance to get my hands on a lot of thing, getting some awesome opportunities to work on some amazing clients under/alongside some insanely talented people.
But all I can say is I might have to take a mental health day tomorrow and go hiking. I wonder what the clients have planned this weekend.
ANDYVISION - watch me try to be creative. live.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Burning the candle on all three ends
Escrito por
Patio Action Pearson
a las
9:16 AM
Labels: advertising, life
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