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Friday, May 22, 2009

Milking the Internet to Land a Job

There's been all kind of big news over using the internet to get job, get clients and get noticed. Recently my very own agency has gotten the twitterverse all a-twitter over our hiring of Chris Kahle from tweet spamming and now our current intern auction on eBay.

If you learn how to work the angles and have a fresh idea, the internet can be a very kind place to you. Here's another example of smart thinking.

I was just sitting here at work, doing something on Facebook when an ad on the page caught my eye:

Facebook owns a massive amount of data on its users, making it easy to target a very specific type of person. I was wondering how long it was going to take someone to do this. Kelly, kudos. You got my attention. You can check out Kelly's work here.

Reminds me of what Think Tank 3 did a little while back. Although I think this actually works a lot better for Kelly.

But always remember, pulling a publicity coup is one thing, but you've always got to have the work to back it up too. I had a long discussion about that with one of my CDs yesterday. I'm all for smart stunts. But if it's just a one-time stroke of luck and not a piece in a larger ouerve of smart work, no thanks. (That's not a comment on Kelly's work necessarily, just a general thought to remember.)

Maybe that'll spark some ideas in your noggin. Go get 'em.

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